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If you want Australian migration for job and grow because of long or short duration then migration to Australia under skilled migration category could be the smartest choice. Australia skilled migration program is very made for those professionals or skilled workers who do not have Australian employment offer but posses skills needed for Australian occupations. The market has its origins in ancient times when people used the term of place to trade in fixed time or place. In the present, the market has two meanings, one is the trading place, such as traditional market, stock market, futures market, etc., another meaning is the general term of trading activity. The word "market" refers not only to a trading venue but also to all transactions. So when it comes to market hours, it's not just about the size of the site, it's about whether the consumer activity is active. In a broad sense, all property rights transfer and exchange relationships can be market As indicated by Wal-Mart Corporate (2011), this business runs shops in numerous formats inside whole world which is dedicated to save people's money by selling their products at affordable prices. This company runs using the philosophy of operating globally and giving back locally. This company's operations are organized into three varied divisions which include; Sam's Club, Wal-Mart International, and Wal-Mart Stores inside United States of America. According to Wollam (2009), Wal-Mart International operations are comprised 4,263 stores and 660,000 employees away from United States of America where these stores are wholly owned in countries like Canada, United Kingdom, Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil. At the same time, because of the surplus value for money is the commodity that only appeared well after the completion of the production process, it is further considered capitalists in order to produce goods all prepaid capital input by the capital employed are not included in the cost price (including those fixed capital). Not only that, the flow of goods from the production process into the process, in order to engage in sales activities to additional capital (including pure circulation costs), therefore, the residual value is considered to be not only all capital in advance in the field of production, but also be regarded as include all of the advance in the field of production and circulation of capital brought together