entrepreneur looking for investors

It doesn't take an adventurous traveler or food enthusiast to appreciate Malaysian food. There are just a great deal from which to choose, whether traditional or modern cuisines, deem to meet the choosiest tastes buds. The staple food in Malaysia is rice, similar to the other Asian countries. Due to its sunny weather throughout the year, fruits and vegetables have been in abundance while meat, poultry and seafood is inexpensive and easily available. Malaysian food, just like its people, is divided into Malay, Chinese and Indian and is also still served by their own unique ways. Therefore, a Conscious Entrepreneur is just not only a company owner who takes into account the impact that their business sports the entire world, while that is undoubtedly important in today's economy. Rather, a Conscious Entrepreneur can be a businessperson who actively cultivates self-awareness included in a practice of continual personal growth. China's understanding of the market is mainly based on mechanical reference to western economic theory, but it ignores their assumptions and implicit assumptions. China's so-called mainstream economists' understanding of the market is more of a new classic. In other words, the market is an efficient allocation of social resources pricing mechanism. Although China has introduced new institutional economics, it has not read the meaning of "property rights", and mechanically believes that property rights are based on "stock of property" To achieve management objectives and plans, we must design and maintain a job structure, in this structure, the combination of a variety of business activities necessary to reach the target classification, the management authority granted to each type of business activities necessary to personnel in charge of this kind of work, and the coordinated relationship between the up and down or so, to effectively achieve the goal, also must constantly adjust the structure, the process is the organization. The organization provides structure assurance for management work, which is the premise of personnel management, guidance and leadership and control