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The shooting competition is divided into four types: rifle, pistol, moving target and flying saucer. Each type varies according to gun specification, shooting posture, shooting distance, shooting method and target type, and is divided into more items. At present, the international shooting league has announced that there are 42 men's projects in the world record and 14 women (see attached table). The world record, however, stipulates that only records created in world events, games and continents will be recognized. The shooting competition is divided into individual and group competitions. The number of team competitions in each project is divided into four men and three women. The league is ranked by the sum of individual achievements. The international shooting league has set up 52 men and women in the world shooting championships. The intercontinental shooting championship is about the same as the world championships. The Asian shooting championships currently do not include large calibre rifles and mobile target. The Olympic Games have only men's events, but women can sign up to compete with men. There are seven shooting items in the 22nd Olympic Games. There are only individual competitions and no group projects. The 23rd Olympic Games scheduled to be held in 1984 will increase the men's air rifle competition and include three women's projects in the Olympic Games for the first time. Thereafter, the women will not compete in the men's events except the flying saucer program. In addition to the international uniform competition, many countries also have their own traditional competitions. Countries such as the United States, Japan and other countries still hold the old shooting match of the old preloaded rope gun. Britain's traditional hunting game is shooting a variety of analog prey, such as pheasant, water ducks, rabbits, etc., the target suddenly appeared from the hidden point, striker must discover the target, rapid fire to win. Sweden, the Soviet union and other countries also have simulated duel shooting matches. To achieve management objectives and plans, we must design and maintain a job structure, in this structure, the combination of a variety of business activities necessary to reach the target classification, the management authority granted to each type of business activities necessary to personnel in charge of this kind of work, and the coordinated relationship between the up and down or so, to effectively achieve the goal, also must constantly adjust the structure, the process is the organization. The organization provides structure assurance for management work, which is the premise of personnel management, guidance and leadership and control Testing for vitamin C levels in numerous forms of orange is a favorite science project for many scholars. Thanks to the limited available references on vitamin C levels in citrus juices and the way it degrades as time passes , this web site will endeavour to provide some information on the subject to assist students find additional references for his or her science projects. Management scientist Stephen p. Robbins thinks: the team is made up of two or more than two, interaction and interdependence of individuals, according to certain rules combined together for a particular target group. It is expected that creative professionals can certainly imagine great design ideas. People believe that a logo artist's brain ought to always be filled with unique and innovative ideas or concepts. What people don't understand that all designers are also normal human beings just as the rest of us. Many a times, logo professionals have creative blocks.