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Products marked organic means a product or service is grown without having pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge or genetically modified organisms. For dairy foods, eggs, poultry and meat to be marked organic, these animals must not be inoculated with hormones or antibiotics. There incorporate three teams of classifying organic foods. Those groups are 100% organic, organic making it with organic ingredients. Management can be divided into many kinds of management, such as administrative management, social management, business administration, human resource management, etc. The management of industrial and commercial enterprises is most common in modern market economy. Each organization needs to manage all its resources, assets, personnel, equipment, and so on. Every one also needs to manage, such as managing your daily life diet, time, health, emotion, learning, career, wealth, relationships, and social activities, mental outlook (dress), etc. Enterprise management can be divided into several branches: human resource management, financial management, production management, material control management, marketing management, cost management, r&d management, etc. In the management of enterprise system, it can be divided into enterprise strategy, business model, business process, enterprise structure, enterprise system, enterprise culture and so on