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The Bowen Technique enables healing at a deep cellular level, removing toxins and resetting the groups central nervous system to a natural state of balance. The Bowen Technique Practitioner uses their hands to manoeuvre your skin layer, pulling it time for the advantage of a muscle, ligament or tendon. The skin will be held briefly in this position before being pushed back gently over the underlying tissue. A Bowen Practitioner will treat the complete body from the patient and not simply the effected tissue. Treatments normally last anyhwere between thirty minutes and an hour, with brief pauses in the treatment as a way to allow the healing ways to begin. -Eating raw fruit and veggies is a useful one. But not eating uncooked meat. Remember, that raw is a useful one as it has all of the enzymes within them intact. Cooking kills the enzymes which are necessary for digestion and also to absorb proteins, minerals and vitamins. It is important to have low-fat meat although not raw meat. Cook your meat well after which consume it because of it to learn you.