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"Sexy" is someone who has a culture, looks or dress or movement that awakens other people's "emotional awareness of beauty". "Sexy" is the feeling of having an affinity for the opposite sex that causes the opposite sex to fall in love. Do not say, "Now that individuals have witnessed the outcome for negative affect, we're in a position to examine men?s and women?s emotional expression inside an entire world of positive affect. The relevant data are presented in Table 2..." Instead work with a transition sentence that simultaneously summarizes and moves the story along: "Men may thus be a little more expressive than women within the domain of negative emotion, however are in addition they more expressive inside domain of positive emotion? Table 2 signifies that they're not..." Any other guideposts needed may be given by using informative headings through following the advice on repetition and parallel construction given in the next section. The practice of making tattoos through the native people of New Zealand is ancient; it existed before the coming of Europeans. Tattooing is among the most considerable events of Maori culture. The process of marking your body is named Ta Moko. These tattoos were worn to indicate something more important such as a rank, identity, family or tribal history, beauty and even more. The shapes and meanings of Moko are varied. All men a tattoo on their own face and so on the other parts of one's body except commoners and slaves. The right-side in the face marked the membership of the wearer?s father; around the left-side it signified the data about mother?s position and social rank. The male facial tattoo is divided into eight parts, each one has their unique name: Ngakaipikirau identifies rank, Ngunga shows the positioning, Uirere refers to hapu rank, Uma keeps the info about the first or the second marriage, Raurau marks the signature, Taiohou informs regarding the wearer?s occupation, Wairua identifies the mana and Taitoto shows the birth status.