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The fund said last year that it would grow 1.1% in 2017 and then increase its forecast to 2%. The response to multilayered values is rational. Rational (including abstract thinking with image thinking) is higher animals, are now known to have intelligent human only) on the basis of intellectual responses, to the further development of it by means of language, text or image will intellectual formed by various basic concept and basic image fixed in the form of the second signal system in the brain, and within the brain to be more complex, the deeper, longer series "sex", "rigid instinct", "elastic instinct" and "intellectual" and other forms of reaction. Among them, the cognition of the relation between the basic concepts forms the abstract thinking, and the person's understanding of the relation between the basic images forms the image thinking. Rationality is human to the second signal system of "reflection" type of reaction activity, it can find out the basic concept and basic image, more general internal relation and essence difference between to discover things between the movement of more general and more abstract and change rule. For example, people form "water" and "to..." through the practice of production and life. To ", "low" and "flow", the concept of nouns, prepositions, adjectives, verbs, between these concepts through a certain form of conditioned reflex established a mutual connection, thus obtained the "water flows downwards" such a logic rules. Corporate Culture, or Organizational Culture, is an organization's unique cultural image composed of values, beliefs, rituals, symbols and ways of doing things. Broadly speaking, culture is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created in the course of human social history. In the narrow sense, culture is the ideology of society and the organization institution and institution that is compatible with it. Economic profits in perfect competition and monopolistic competition market has a special purpose, a positive profit can attract more enterprises to enter the market, increasing competition and push the market equilibrium price low, exclude some enterprises lack of competitiveness in the market, to achieve long-term equilibrium; On the contrary, negative economic profit can eliminate some of the original enterprises in the market, because the supply is reduced, the market equilibrium price will be pushed up, and the long-term equilibrium will be achieved. The result of the two cases is that economic profits disappear from each manufacturer and the manufacturer's total income is at the lowest point of average cost. This year, ms lagarde said there was a marked slowdown in activity and the UK's recent performance was