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Hybrid car With the development of productivity and social progress, the enterprise form has been continuously developed and improved. The evolution of an enterprise mainly goes through three stages In the early hours of Wednesday, crude oil inventories were down (though gasoline inventories rose), boosting U.S. oil prices, according to zero hedge, a leading financial blog. But oil inventories in the EIA fell by five weeks, while gasoline inventories rose in six weeks and oil prices were volatile. In addition, us crude oil output was at a record high. Currently, us oil is trading at $57.56. The oil was trading at $63.95, up 0.25%. At present, about the nature of the enterprise. Western economists have different views. There is also some debate. Some western economists analyze the nature of the enterprise mainly from the perspective of transaction costs that coase emphasizes. Recently, Apple Inc. announced its astonishing sales record within the Greater China region at US$3.8 billion in latest three-month period, probably leading Apple to surpass the region's pc giant Lenovo Group the first time in a minimum of several years. Let's follow this article and see how amazing Apple's revenue is through the third quarter of 2011. Think of high yield p2p wealth management products, as investors you should know this: