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The international monetary fund has strongly defended its gloomy forecast of the UK after brexit, saying a warning of a slowdown in growth is imminent. Last year, labour market economist John Philpott found that more than one in five workers, around 7.1 million people, were in precarious employment, up from 5.3 million in 2006. From the end of the 19th century to the early 20th century, car designers focused their energies on the development and innovation of mechanical engineering. First half of the 20th century, all about the basic structure of the car has been invented, automotive designers begin from the outside to improve on modelling, and successively introduced the aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, human body engineering and industrial modelling design (industrial aesthetics), etc China's understanding of the market is mainly based on mechanical reference to western economic theory, but it ignores their assumptions and implicit assumptions. China's so-called mainstream economists' understanding of the market is more of a new classic. In other words, the market is an efficient allocation of social resources pricing mechanism. Although China has introduced new institutional economics, it has not read the meaning of "property rights", and mechanically believes that property rights are based on "stock of property". The report also supports the government's plan to cut its annual budget deficit this year. (2) actual income -- the increase of material wealth; Historical costs differ from current values