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In the late 19th and early 20th century, with the transition from free capitalism to monopoly capitalism, the factory itself had undergone complex and profound changes. Constantly adopt new technology to make the production rapid development; The scale of production keeps expanding, competition intensifies, and a large-scale monopoly enterprise is produced. The separation of rights and ownership and the formation of a professional management stratum; The scientific management system has been established, and a series of scientific management theories have been formed to make the enterprises mature and become modern enterprises. Mr Draghi said the positive news about eurozone growth meant that the bank's council was "increasingly confident" that inflation would strengthen over the long term and become "self-sustaining". But he added that the current policy needed to be maintained to "maintain inflation", reaching the ECB's target of close to 2 percentage points. The basic economic unit of society in the primitive society of the clan, tribe, slave owners in the slave society, feudal society's family and the manual workshop, after the evolution of the form of this modern form in a capitalist society was born enterprise. The response to the value of diversity is intellectual. Intellectual (including concept and image) is higher animals of conditioned reflex formed on the basis of more common, more abstract conditioned reflex, it is produced by the external and internal relations of things contact of abstract understanding. Among them, the abstract cognition of the internal relation of things forms the concept, and the abstract understanding of the external relations of things forms an image. Concept and image is what you have done to learn something from the induction and summary, make the person's behavior pattern has a more systemic and purpose, make people not only can adapt to the complex survival environment, but also the initiative to choose the environment. Due to the learning of thinking and behavior patterns are often fragmentary, irregular and blind, people often "learning, and I don't know why," can't consciously use, only after forming concept and image, will be to sort out a "main line", and according to the logic of determined by the "mainline" direction will learn things lined up. Through the abstract and image, the person can be either things to take the same responses to different stimuli, can also take different responses of the same stimulus thing, make the person's reaction mode diversification, flexible and purpose. For example, there are also harmful substances, which can be used in various ways, such as evasion, attack or protection, depending on the situation. Anyway, intellectual is very higher organisms (such as monkeys and apes) outside of the value of diversity things very advanced way of ordering reac