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Torque is the force that causes the object to rotate. Engine torque refers to the moment when the engine outputs from the crankshaft. It is inversely proportional to the engine speed under the condition of fixed power, and the faster the torque is smaller, the larger it is, which reflects the load capacity of the car in a certain range. (1) spiritual gain -- spiritual satisfaction; Financial staff are used to dividing the investment payback period into long-term, intermediate and short-term periods. The term usually refers to more than five years, short term generally refers to a period of less than one year, and the middle term is somewhere in between. Managers also use long, medium and short term to describe the plan. Long-term plan describes the organization in a quite long period (usually more than 5 years) and the development direction of policy, regulation on the group's various departments over a longer period of time in some activities should reach the goal and requirements, mapped the organization long-term development blueprint. Short-term plans specifically provides for all departments of an organization in the current stage, to the future the shorter period especially in the recent period of time, which should be engaged in activities, engaged in such activities should meet the requirement, and thus provides a basis for the ACTS of all members of the organization. New standards to abolish the "cars" and called the name of the "passenger", is considered to be the of the traditional concept of change, it will change the traditional concept cars as the thought of luxury goods, return to the main is a concept of transport Whether you reside to function or work to live, there comes a spot in your job search if you are going to have to talk money, in addition to being much as we either love or require stuff, this is a conversation that few of us look forward to. If we be satisfied with inadequate, we are planning to spend the coming years kicking ourselves, and maybe even feeling resentful towards our employer. If we request a lot of, we risk losing the work offer. A careful balancing act is called for?and nerves of steel. Commercial vehicles: vehicles used for transporting personnel and goods in design and technical features, and can be tractor-trailer. Passenger cars are not included. Commercial vehicles are divided into three categories: passenger cars, vans and semi-trailer tractors. The passenger bus subdivided into small passenger car, city bus, coach, tourist bus, articulated bus, coach, cross-country coach and private bus. Goods vehicles are subdivided into general goods vehicles, multi-purpose lorries, full trailer tractors, off-road trucks, special operations vehicles and special goods vehicles.