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An offshore bank could be registered like a shareholder or an individual corporation. The typical objectives of offshore banks are to optimize payments, to further improve tax planning activities, and avoid excessive regulations of banking activities. They also try and provide 100% fund safety, increase the performance with the investment, and supply asset protection. Under the theoretical framework of the theory, the theory of commodity market equilibrium and the monetary market equilibrium of Keynesian theory are unified. Marx's theory of interest rate decisions from the perspective of the source and essence of interest, taking into account the institutional factors in the role of interest rate decisions of interest theory, its theoretical core is the interest rate is determined by the average profit margin. Marx believed that under capitalism, interest is a part of profit and a form of conversion of surplus value. Philip Hammond has been trying to persuade conservatives that tax increases and spending cuts are needed to reduce the deficit. Cylinder work volume refers to the volume of gas swept by the piston from the top to the bottom, also known as single cylinder displacement, depending on the cylinder diameter and the piston stroke. Engine displacement is the total volume of working volume of each cylinder, usually expressed in milliliter (CC). Engine displacement is one of the most important structural parameters. It is more representative of engine size than cylinder diameter and cylinder number, and many indicators of engine are closely related to displacement. "Task list including trade agreement with the European Union, and about 60 countries negotiate a new agreement, by replacing Britain's current political party, joining the European Union to strengthen the human and the customs and other services IT resources, and translate thousands of eu law into domestic laws and regulations. "