projected profit and loss statement example
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projected profit and loss statement example

Based on the above two kinds of comparison and analysis of the concept of earnings, reveals the inadequacy of accounting earnings, i.e., the accounting income does not take into account inflation, the production gains, goodwill to improve the impact of changes and their value, and can be found on only the pursuit of reliability, and can be measured, which affect the enterprise's profit ability and continuous operation ability. Accounting, since the 1950 s began to pay attention to absorb the income concept of some reasonable kernel of economics, the concept of modern accounting theory of income in the income concept of economics. In the late 20th century, in the context of China's reform and opening up and modernization, and the influx of new concepts in the field of information technology, the meaning of "enterprise" changed. On the one hand, a large number of "enterprises" have emerged in the non-planned economy. On the other hand, in some new concepts, the meaning is not limited to commercial or for-profit organizations, which are currently mainly derived from the translation of the word "enterprise" in English. Therefore, the word "enterprise" appears in public media in two ways: The current two-year and three-year accounts are 2.05 PCS and 2.25 PCS, and the market's leading accounts for the early years of the year are 1.6 PCS and 1.67 PCS. In his theory, money supply is controlled by the central bank and is an exogenous variable with no interest rate elasticity. At this point, monetary demand depends on people's psychological "liquidity preference".