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valor in english

New participants in the education blockchain ecosystem Economist lynde hull explained that the benefits of capital in different periods of time would be interest. According to linde hull, interest in a specific period and the difference between the expected consumption is savings (during the period of the growth of capital), and returns the sum of consumption and savings are given period of time. “With the government-commissioned Taylor Review noting this abuse, we’re hopeful that 2018 will be the year of action on fair pay for agency workers.” 6. The accounting benefit is bound by the prudent principle. According to the principle of prudence, when there are a variety of accounting methods to choose from an economic business of an enterprise, it should choose a method that neither overestimates nor depreciates the benefits. Enterprises manipulate profits to achieve homogenization of profits, most of which adopt the method of overestimating earnings, and the subjective selection of the period of value-added. Mooney and si prowse in its around the main accounting principles for enterprises ", not only emphasize to determine profits in a timely manner, and emphasizes the necessary through division operating earnings, the gains and the impact of price changes, to improve the comparability of financial statements and understandability.