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The limit is the basic concept in calculus, which refers to the tendency of the variable to gradually stabilize in the course of a certain change, as well as the value (limit value). The concept of limits was finally strictly elaborated by the likes of cauchy and westras. In modern mathematical analysis textbooks, almost all basic concepts (continuous, differential, integral) are based on the concept of limit There is another aspect we have to consider, staying away from ahead and conduct business networking? Some entrepreneurs and businesses actually think business networking is really a more cost-effective supply of new customers than advertising or public relations. Business networking may be conducted in the someone's place of business community, or on the larger scale on the Internet. Social networks play an essential role for companies nowadays. Even law offices and oil companies have Facebook and Twitter so that you can attract more clients and then tell others there with what they do. Social networks make companies more approachable towards the average person and potential future clients. That is the reason why the position of Community Manager has boomed over the last 5 years. If it is not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn, your small business literally will not exist. Management scientist Stephen p. Robbins thinks: the team is made up of two or more than two, interaction and interdependence of individuals, according to certain rules combined together for a particular target group.