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We now want the milk to move somewhat. To do this the colour changing milk science experiment will demand some washing up liquid or 'dish soap'. Get a cotton wool pad and dip it on to the soap - don't put to much soap onto it, you do not need the swab to get dripping in soap. Carefully dab the cotton wool ball into among the food coloring's inside the soap and retain the swab there. Bang! Watch the colour explode outwards in concentric circles - very pretty. We've mentioned before that the main group of hackers is young people, and in fact it is. In the 21st century, it is hard to see the old hacker over thirty years old on the Internet: many hackers generally "disappear" on the Internet in the future. Where did these people go? Why did they go? Actually these are easy to understand, as the growth of the age and mental maturity, the curiosity of young gradually out of them, they begin to step into a stable stage, the physical strength and energy began to fall, how can no longer stay up late, do not know tired. For example, starting to have a family burden, to make a living and a career. Because of the hacker industry, there are only a few professional hackers, and many are amateurs. They spend a lot of time and energy without pay. So it's also natural to quit "quack" when they're older. Of course, there are a lot of people who have been interested in their hacking career for a lifetime. Some of the hackers may go on to become security experts, anti-hacker experts and continue to study technology in the future. There are also people who do things that have nothing to do with hackers. Why become an author? Soda, water without gas, tonics and isotonics (Gatoreid, Powereide), plus really useful waters containing aloe juice, etc. etc. This is the most necessary coming from all that you can buy in the bar. To train and never to drink is much like smoking between sets; force on the coronary heart isn't very useful. The best choice of an sports drink for training in a hall - usual still water. All the rest - because of fitness gourmets, or for people who did not have time for it to eat properly before training (in this case, the bottle of "Gatoreida" won't allow dangerous fall of blood glucose levels level in the load).