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It was a wonderful program that helped a lot of people get back on their feet and recover from the destructive grasp of addiction. Most of such individuals were insured by Medicaid, which is of course a State-funded health insurance plan. Since there are so many individuals on Long Island that needed these services, this software found itself around the radar of politicians responsible for maintaining State funds. Even though Crossings was providing the best and much needed service to the community, it cost the State money. The market is the economic contact method which is the basic content of Commodity Exchange. Under the condition of commodity economy, the premise of exchange generation and existence is social division of labor and commodity production. Because of the social division of labor, the different producers, respectively, engaged in the production of different products, did not meet the needs of themselves and others and exchange their respective product, so that the general labor products into commodities, make the product production is transformed into commodity production. It is under this condition that the market for goods to be exchanged to meet the needs of different producers is born. Therefore, the market is the product of the division of labor and the exchange of goods under the conditions of commodity economy. The market and commodity economy have inalienable internal relation