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It's not a man's patent, a woman with an upward mobility, a woman who makes men admire. Pedigree is often a pet foods company that supply foods for purebred animal plus subsidiary of Mars, Incorporated. The company helps to make the market leaders Pedigree (dog food) and Whiskas (cat food), and also Kitekat (cat food) and Pal (pet food). The slogan used for decades for Pedigree pet food is "Top breeders recommend it" with a current slogan of "We're for dogs". There are many industries that market a good amount of FMCG products sporting worn-out and, often quite boring, traditional FMCG packaging. On B Brand’s principals cite the Australian packaged coffee market just as one industry looking for newer, more interesting,FMCG packaging. As a matter of fact, B Brand Design thinks there’s any excuses for an even more in-your-face, adventurous FMCG packaging; it sees present day coffee drinker as a more specialized consumer, who looks for FMCG packaging of bright and tantalizing offerings. Today’s coffee industry must romance the more adventurous crowd that gravitates to FMCG packaging popular with their sophisticated tastes. Today’s coffee-drinkers pride themselves on their eclectic tastes andseek out more unusual FMCG packaging brands. They seek out those louddifferentiations between qualities of the bland traditional FMCG packaging as well as the bolder FMCG packaging demands today. These cutting-edge consumers want greater inviting FMCG packaging of B Brand Design.