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It's not a man's patent, a woman with an upward mobility, a woman who makes men admire. We now want the milk to maneuver somewhat. To do this large changing milk science experiment requires some washing up liquid or 'dish soap'. Get a cotton wool ball and dip it down into the soap - don't put to much soap about it, you don't want the swab to become dripping in soap. Carefully dab the cotton swab into one of several food coloring's in the soap and contain the swab there. Bang! Watch large explode outwards in concentric circles - very pretty. After experimenting and sampling, they determined their product was purely too high quality to help keep to themselves, in order that they brought few jars onto their friends. And their friends loved it, so they really encouraged the crooks to create a website to trade their yummy products. Then they made their own website and found out that chatty and passionate friends built person to person being an influential advertising tool! After experimenting of their college apartment?s kitchen, both good friends launched a brand of nut butters. They were instantly kept active through regular orders from family, friends, and fellow students.