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Subroto Bagchi is gradually raising the standards with each book he pops up with. The first book titled High performance Entrepreneur explained how he built an organization, and the way everybody can. The respect commanded by him among the readers comes not just from what he's got achieved to date, but also as the way he's got achieved those activities. The book offers to serve as a resource for the young working professionals, in reality it could continue for everyone because the bible on their behalf. Service is an act to help or working for an individual or possibly a strategy to show kindness. However, it is also described as something or rather a commodity if it's something that we buy since we require it in order to survive within this fast-paced society. It can be received by way of a single person who can be a doctor and even from your telephone operator whenever they direct an appointment to a certain person or company that provides another service. Business owners often are convinced that service is the priority of these operation before profit while in fact it is the other way around. Nevertheless, there are several companies that show care to their consumers and place their level of service to your higher intensity by addressing some difficulty with relation to its working with customers.