route for the home team

It doesn't take an adventurous traveler or food enthusiast to appreciate Malaysian food. There are just a great deal from which to choose, whether traditional or modern cuisines, deem to meet the choosiest tastes buds. The staple food in Malaysia is rice, similar to the other Asian countries. Due to its sunny weather throughout the year, fruits and vegetables have been in abundance while meat, poultry and seafood is inexpensive and easily available. Malaysian food, just like its people, is divided into Malay, Chinese and Indian and is also still served by their own unique ways. We now want the milk to maneuver somewhat. To do this large changing milk science experiment requires some washing up liquid or 'dish soap'. Get a cotton wool ball and dip it down into the soap - don't put to much soap about it, you don't want the swab to become dripping in soap. Carefully dab the cotton swab into one of several food coloring's in the soap and contain the swab there. Bang! Watch large explode outwards in concentric circles - very pretty.