asexual reproduction in euglena
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asexual reproduction in euglena

For centuries, saltpeter may be combined with food given it?s a preservative. Before the invention of the refrigerator, kitchens routinely salted meat to hold it edible throughout the long winter time. Today, the traditional cans of corned beef still contain saltpeter ? it has been man?s friend when used in moderation. Saltpeter first emerged in China about 2,000 years ago. Early experiments saw Chinese chemists having the best along with the worst results, according to your point of view. The compost heaps containing decomposing organic matter were covered and spiked with dung and urine. When the resulting "mess" was filtered and wood ash added, this became wonderful fertilizer and also the foundation of fireworks for celebrations. Later, naturally, it made explosives for war. This was a fresh disease that was wreaking both havoc and chaos on everyone. 'What was this condition, Where did it result from, How do we protect ourselves'? These were all legitimate questions that men and women had the right to have answered.This is when condom usage skyrocketed because top source for protection against STD's and HIV/AIDS. Safe sex was no longer about preventing unwanted pregnancies. Safe sex became more so about saving your life. Women who undergo cancer treatments will have a high FSH level because of premature ovarian failure as can ladies who possess some genetic conditions or chromosomal abnormalities. FSH is generally measured together with LH, another hormone produced by the pituitary gland. If both are high, it further confirms the ovaries failed.