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Mangoes are incredibly abundant in vitamin C that repairs and regenerates tissues. They also maintain your body's organs healthy, such as the reproductive :. In males, vitamin C can cope with sexual difficulties including erection dysfunction and early ejaculation. Eating mangoes will help them enhance their romantic endeavors, driving them to go longer. Dr. Cole will be the President of Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina. She is President emerita of Spelman College and Professor Emerita of Anthropology, Women's Studies, and African American Studies at Emory University. A nationally known African American feminist-intellectual, she may be the author of several books, including Conversations: Straight Talk with America's Sister President. Deep, relaxed breathing relaxes stressed- out body and oxygenates the blood. Certain foods are excellent for increasing libido in women. These include pomegranates, tomatoes, broccoli etc. You must include these in your diet. At the same time, you must avoid processed baked foods and dairy products which are all libido killers. The last point is a controversial issue. For years doctors have said sperm are dewdrops. What are some of these unwanted signs of aging? They can include osteoporosis or weakened bones, loss of muscle, weight gain that is mostly fat, bodily aches and pains, fatigue, sweating, hot flushes, decreased libido and poor sexual performance, deteriorating memory, irritability and even depression.