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Prostitution will be as old as old because the hills and it is known because worlds oldest profession. In India and in almost every other under-developed country, individuals will have sex with prostitutes. Like every country on earth, prostitution in India is really a controversial issue. Prostitution or the exchange of sex for money is legal nevertheless the related activities such as soliciting sex, operating brothels and pimping are illegal. Several different kidney conditions could cause elevated creatinine levels. An elevated level may suggest the kidneys arteries are swollen as a result of an autoimmune disease or an infection. It can indicate that this kidneys suffer from a bacterial infection. It can indicate that some of the small tubes inside kidneys have dead cells. It can indicate a kidney stone. Elevated levels may also indicate a reduction in the circulation of blood to the kidneys due to diabetes complications, shock, atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure or dehydration. Symptoms of seminal vesiculitis range from vague back or lower abdominal pain; penile, scrotal, or perineal pain; irritative and obstructive voiding symptoms or impotence. In addition to the above mentioned symptoms, in addition, it could cause painful ejaculation, hypoactive sexual interest disorder, spermatorrhea, decrease of sperm, and prospermia.