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Glö-Poll: How Many Days Is Your Celebration? (and last week’s results)

Thanks for your  answers to our last poll. Here are the results! Looks like most of you found THE dress after 10 or less try-ons. We’re impressed!

One of our Facebook Friends, Terri, let us know that her sister not only tried on multiple dresses, but actually bought five for different parts of her wedding. How fantastic is that?!

Next, we’d love to know how many days your celebration lasted/will last. For example, my husband and I got married in New Zealand, which I’d count as one day. Then, we threw our  giant bash when we got home, which included a Friday night “Roast and Toast” then a Saturday all-day party. So, my entire event was three fantastic days long…

We loved hearing specifics on Terri’s dress answer and would be thrilled to hear specifics from you! Post a comment here or on our Facebook if you feel so inspired.


Glö-Poll: How Many Dresses Did you Try On? (and last week’s results)

Alrighty, thanks again for participating in last week’s poll. Looks like it’s a pretty even match between those of you who swear you’re not and those of you who had the guts to admit that it started seeping in.

And now (drum roll please) for this week’s survey:


Glö-Poll: Are you a Bridezilla? (and last week’s results)

Hey all – thanks for chiming in for our first poll last week. We loved looking through all the answers!

Here are the results:

So there you have it – lotsa whitey-tighteys going around on wedding days around the Glö-World! (Thought your favorite “other” write in includes lots of skin colored Spanx!)

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And now, for this week’s poll! Remember, we’ll move the poll to the side bar after today so you can still vote easily!

Straight Up – Are you a Bridezilla?



Glo-Poll: What’s going under your dress?

We’re excited to add more fun to the Glö-Bride blog by conducting a weekly survey for our readers! We won’t be shy with our topics and they’ll surround anything and everything about your big day. Please please have fun with us and participate! We’d love to see you share the poll with your friends too so we can ALL get a kick out of the answers. Also, if you have silly questions you’d like us to post as part of our polls, let us know and we’ll get them in there for ya!

We’ll announce the survey results at the end of each week.

And now…drum roll…. for this week’s question! (after today, we’ll move this widget to the side bar, so you can still find the poll easily!)