So to follow on from Kristen’s fab post about places to find your dress – she also alerted me to the fact that her favorite online shopping site ShopBop has a rockin’ new bridal boutique. I love that there are so many style, shapes and price points on here. Just wanted to share! (looks like the ship all over the world too – total score!!)
Words cannot express how fun this is: Urban Outfitters - yes the same company that sells fantastic things such as “The Hangover” bobble head dolls and eye lashes for your car – is now making unconventional (or as it says on their site, “atypical”) wedding dresses. Big. Time. Score.
With categories including Nostalgic Romantic, Neo-Sophisticate, La Bohemienne and Lady With a Twist, you’re sure to find something fun and funky in their collection regardless of if you’re getting married in a church or in an old-school amusement park.
And if you can’t make up your mind, you can take their online “what kind of bride am I” quiz! Have I already mentioned how fun this is?
As if that’s not cool enough, they also have all the shoe/jewelry/lingerie options you need. And we all know how cool their accessories tend to be
Honestly, I’m actually really really bummed right now that I’m already married because I would snatch one of these beauties up so quickly it would be ridiculous. But alas, I’ll just have to live vicariously through all of you…
So, all you Glö-Brides out there, join with me in a great big cheer for more “atypical” options for your unique wedding!