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New spandangaly features and functionality

The fabulous developers at Glö have done it again. Taken all your feedback onbard and turned it into fresh, new features for your enjoyment. Here’s the skinny on what’s been rolled out today:

1) Edit HTML on your Glösite pages

When you’re editing Glösite pages, you’ll now see a little button labeled ‘HTML’ on the text editor. With one click, a new box will open up where you can edit the HTML for the page to your heart’s content! This will enable you to add widgets and other fun stuff anywhere on the page. Of course, the widget box at the bottom is still fully functional in case you’re not feeling up-to-par on your HTML skills. For an overview of different HTML code options, I find W3Schools is usually quite helpful.

2) Edit background image and color on your Glösite

Glösite Page and Background Design

Glösite Page and Background Design

Giving you even more control over your Glösite look and feel – you can now upload images and change the background color of your Glösite. Just to clarify, the background area starts at the side edges of your Glösite page and extends out horizontally to the edges of the web browser your guests are using to view your site. You have totally flexibility here to choose a solid color or upload an image that complements your page design.

As an added bonus, you can now opt to remove the image from the main page area and just choose a solid fill color in case this works better with your background design.

Being able to edit the background design means that you have even more flexibility to either customize the look of an existing Glö design or else enhance a design that you create and upload yourself. For example, you can now create a Glösite that looks like this:

Example Glösite with Background Image

I found a bunch of coolio background design options by simply Googling “free wallpaper designs.” Remember that if you want a design with a repeat pattern, you’ll need something that lines up nicely at the edges. Then choose “tile this design” to achieve the repeat pattern effect.

3) Enhanced “email your guests” features

On the navigation links on the left side of, you’ll now see a new option for “Manage Messages.” In this section you can email some or all of your guests with ease, including the option to:

  • Email all guests
  • Email guests with a specific tag
  • Email guests who have not RSVPed for a particular event
  • Email guests who are attending (e.g., RSVPed yes) for a specific event

After you’ve sent the email, you can also follow up to see which of your guests have viewed – just to make sure everyone received the message!

4) Include a direct link to your Glösite (automatically logs the guest in) in an email

Another other handy-dandy option in “Manage Messages” is to include a direct-access link to your Glösite in an email. This link will automatically log the recipient guest into your site – no need to enter their email address (though they will still need to choose a password the first time they view any password protected pages on your site. This is to ensure their privacy is protected)

Hope you enjoy all the new features! As always, let us know if you have new ideas.

Real Glö-bies, Real Glö-Vites & Sites

Tim and Mo’s Garden Wedding Vites and Site

The Glö-Bride: Melissa, Educational consultant

Her Glö-partner: Tim, Landscaper

Celebration Date & Location: August 2010 in Melissa’s sister’s backyard in Junction City, Oregon/Lane County, USA

Tell us how you got engaged:

I have been friends with Tim’s sister for over 20 years. Tim and I recently met again after many years and sparks flew. He proposed over a picturesque bridge on bended knee, and I, of course, said yes.

What’s the overall ‘feeling’ you’re aiming for with your celebration:

We’re celebrating in my sister’s beautiful garden with many, many lush blooming plants. The overall “feeling” we’re going for is casual garden party.

Are you adding any fun twists on tradition:

We have wonderful cooks in the family, so we’re doing potluck.

What was the inspiration behind your Glövite and Glösite design? How did you make it?

My sister’s garden and her cats were the inspiration for the invitation and website. We also threw in an eagle to honor Tim’s totem animal.

I have to confess, I had to do a bit of research to learn that a totem animal is a personal spirit that helps watch over and guide you. Pretty cool stuff! I took a little quiz and found out that I am either a Horse (neigh!) or Dog (woof woof!)

My friend, Merisha Lemmer, designed our invitation. (You can email Merisha here)

Now show us your vites and site!

Any good planning tips and tricks:

Get e-mail addresses early. Also, have a plan for those who have yet to join the twenty-first century and don’t do e-mail or can’t access the Glösite.

If you have guests who aren’t on email, consider sending paper invitations that match your Glövite designs. If you choose a Glö design, we can arrange for you to have matching paper invitations printed. Just contact us at Glö!

Melissa and Tim's Glösite

I discovered that Melissa and Tim were using some other nifty tools to help with their planning. The first is a travel booking site called Hotel Planner where you find group discount rates on hotels. A SUPER big help if you have numerous guests coming from out of town. You can even specify that the event you’re planning is a wedding. After the hotels are chosen, you have a landing page on the site that lists all of the hotel options for your guests. What a great way to make it nice and easy for them! Melissa and Tim simply included a link to the site on their ‘Travel’ page.

Melissa and Tim also registered for their honeymoon using Travelers Joy. And although the google map couldn’t seem to find Mexico (??), I’m sure the pilot will have better luck! Registering for a honeymoon is a great option for those of you who have what you need for the house already.

Real Glö-bies, Real Glö-Vites & Sites

Jillian and Terence’s Slayeriffic Vites and Site

You all are going to LOVE these email save the dates and Glösite from Jillian and Terence. They sent over some spectacular words about their upcoming wedding celebration – so rather than me try to do them justice…..

Tell us a bit about your upcoming celebration

We did not consider ourselves the wedding type and always talked about not getting married.  But on our five-year anniversary, Terence surprised me with a proposal that went along the lines of, “I know you don’t want to get married, but I though maybe you’d consider marrying me?”.  It was very irresistible.  In the beginning, we weren’t sure how to go about planning the wedding we never really wanted to have.  We knew that we loved each other, wanted to be together and to build a future together, but kept questioning why we needed to legitimize our relationship through a legal marriage, and with the formality (not to mention, expense) of a wedding.  In the end, we decided that we could decide to legalize our marriage when and if it was right for us, but in the meantime we just really wanted an excuse to bring our friends and family together and celebrate our commitment to each other, with the people who were nearest and dearest to us. We basically just wanted to throw one really amazing party with all our family and friends.  How often do you get a chance to really do that?

We totally agree guys! How many times DO you get to have all your favorite people in one place at one time?

What was the inspiration for your Glövite and Glösite design? And how did you make it?

Jill would describe her technological abilities as being “slow to develop”.  Terence has dabbled in flash and web stuff, but not really enough for us to make a functionally fabulous site of our own.  That’s when we discovered Glö (yay for Jill’s obsession with wedding blogs!).

Terence loves music and has been dj-ing for years so we loved the idea of a red, white and black themed event- inspired by vinyl records!  We found a Glö template that matched our colour scheme and looked pretty rad and used it.

We’re mostly excited about the option to design and upload our own invitations and save-the-dates.  We wanted to do something really un-traditional that emphasized what we want our wedding to be- a unique and memorable night that is above all else- LOADS OF FUN!   Our save-the-date was inspired by our joint-love of movies, and by Jill’s obsessive love of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!  Terence has a background in fine arts and he drew the original design, scanned it, worked some photoshop magic and voila!

Check out this bad-boy of a save the date – crazy coolness!

Jillian and Terence's Boom-Bam-Powtastic Save the Date

What nifty things are you doing on your Glösite?

Jill (the technologically challenged part of this pair) did most of the webiste since she is on vacation and Terence is a slave to his office.  But using the very helpful tips and suggestions on the Glö page, she successfully added a weather widget so that her out-of-town guests can see the forecast for Toronto and a countdown to the wedding!  We are also adding a photo slideshow.

Jillian and Terence's GlösiteWhat fun twists on tradition are you adding to your wedding celebration?

We liked the basic template of most weddings, with the ceremony and some food and dancing, but we wanted ours to be a little more unexpected. So we kept some things traditional and added some of our own twists to the evening.

We set our date in December so we could take advantage of the holidays, without waiting for another summer and fighting for a venue during the “wedding season”. Off-season is definitely the way to go!  We booked a restaurant where we will host the whole event- from the ceremony to the singing and dancing at the end.

We’re both super big vegan foodies (well Terence is vegan 90% of the time, except in the presence of really good-looking dessert) so we arranged to have an all vegan wedding menu!  The chef at the restaurant where we are celebrating was happy to accommodate, which is freaking fantastic.  We’ve taste-tested his creations and they are spectacular enough to knock the socks off of even our most carnivorous guests! We are having some of our close friends and family bake red, black and white vegan sweets to adorn our dessert buffet table, which will also include a tower of vegan cupcakes.  I’m drooling as I write this.  We are also really into sustainable living and will be serving mostly local and organic wine and beer.  We love our city!

Other fun twists:

  • We are walking down the “aisle” together and we have decided not to have a wedding party
  • Our centerpieces, decorations and favours (cd’s of love songs) are all diy- homemade!
  • Terence’s band Cobra and/or two of our friends are going to sing a few songs live at the event
  • Jill’s little sister is a film graduate and is making a surprise wedding video (which includes interviews with Terences and Jill’s family and closest friends) to be shown for the first time at the wedding!
  • We are hoping to rent a karaoke machine for the later part of the evening

What more can I really say? We can’t wait to see the wedding photos!

Real Glö-bies, Real Glö-Vites & Sites

Kerri and Michael’s curly-whirly Big Barn Shindig save-the-dates

I couldn’t help but share this incredible, design that Kerri created for their email save-the-dates and wedding website on Glö. Kerri is a graphic designer by trade, so there’s no surprise that she’s made my head whirl in delight.

I think my favorite part of their celebration may be the description of the wedding and reception! I have no doubt that their guests are in for one rockin’ boot stompin’ of a good time:

The Hitchening

An epic event eight years in the making!
We know what we mean to each other: now we’re making it
public for all of you to witness, and at the end of the
ceremony, we’ll be married. Yay!

The Big Barn Shindig

An afternoon of fun for everyone!
There will be dancing, lawn games, food-on-a-stick, beer, and cider.
And also cake. You know you want some cake. The cake is delicious.