
Interview about Glo email wedding invitations and being a Web Entrepreneur

Holey moley! There’s an interview with me on the web!

One of the things I love about being in the tech industry is the absolutely fascinating people I get to interact with on a daily basis. A few weeks ago, I met up with an awesome lady named Rosie who wanted to ask me about my experience starting and running an internet company. Rosie is a journalist who’s worked all over the world covering just about every topic you could imagine. She had an idea for creating a citizen news channel here in the UK. Low and behold, a few weeks later, she’s got her own YouTube channel called News24, which she describes as:

A TV channel for citizen news across the UK. Many events happen without being seen or shared by others. YourNews24 is an outlet that offers an opportunity to air news from your area.

Pretty. neat. stuff. Half way through our chat, Rosie whipped out her flip camera and did an impromptu interview with me about my experience starting Glö and being a web entrepreneur. If you can ignore the wicked bad hair day I was having and the fact that I don’t have a lick of make-up on, you might get a kick out of watching it.

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